16TroubleshootingReplacing sensor. If you need to replace a non-functioning fingerprintreader, follow this procedure:Enrollment to the hard disk:If enrollment to hard disk is used, “Protector SuiteQL” has not stored any data on the device andtherefore has no problem to continue after youreplaced the sensor. However, in case you use thePower-on security (Preboot Authentication), you mayneed to use the “Enroll or Edit Fingerprints” wizard toupdate the related data.Enrollment to the device:If the fingerprint have been enrolled to the device, anew passport will be required. Follow the procedurein the section “Starting Over” (Îpage 18).Lost AdvancedSecurity backuppassword.To change the “Advanced Security” backuppassword, go to the “Enroll or Edit Fingerprints”wizard and swipe your finger and go through theFingerprint enrollment. On the Advanced Securitypage you can change the backup password.Protector Suite QLreinstallation.Uninstall Protector Suite QL (Îpage 12) beforereinstalling it. After uninstallation, reinstall ProtectorSuite (Îpage 5).During Protector Suite QL uninstallation, you canselect whether to delete the Protector Suite Data -including passports.To use password data or “Password Bank” dataafter reinstalling Protector Suite QL, select [LeaveProtector Suite *.* data for later use]. After the newinstallation, you will be able to use your data again.If you select [Remove all Protector Suite *.* data],you need to enroll fingerprint data again afterreinstalling Protector Suite QL.In case of changing the Enrollment mode, reinstallingProtector Suite QL is necessary.Lost “File Safe”backup password.It is necessary to change the backup password for“File Safe”, refer to the UPEK Protector Suite QLHelp menu.( Click [start] - [AllPrograms] - [Protector Suite QL] - [Help] / with Windows Vista> Click (Start) - [All Programs]- [Protector Suite QL] - [Help])