Usage191Installing the SoftwareTo install the elite Panaboard driver/software/book,follow the procedure below.Notice• Do not connect the USB cable to thecomputer until the installation is completed.• Do not connect more than 1 elite Panaboardto the same computer.(Doing so can cause erroneous behavior onthe computer.)1 Turn on your computer and start theWindows operating system.• Log into an account with Administratorprivileges.2 Insert the included DVD-ROM into theDVD-ROM drive.• The setup screen will be displayed.• If the setup screen does not appear, selectyour DVD-ROM drive in Explorer anddouble-click [Menu.exe].• In Windows Vista or Windows 7, if theAutoplay dialog box is displayed, click [RunMenu.exe].3 When the “elite Panaboard” screen isdisplayed, click the type of device youare using.4 When the “Menu” screen is displayed,click [Read Me First].• After the system requirements are displayed,make sure that your computer meets therequirements.5 Click [Install elite Panaboard] on the“Menu” screen.6 If you agree to the terms in the“END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT”,select “I accept the terms in the licenseagreement” and then click [Next].• In Windows Vista, if the “User AccountControl” window is displayed, click [Continue]to continue with the installation.• In Windows 7, if the “User Account Control”window is displayed, click [Yes] to continuewith the installation.7 When the “Select Features” screen isdisplayed, select the required functionor deselect a function that you do notwant and then click [Next].• Click the corresponding check box to selector deselect a function.• You cannot deselect a function that is shownwith a gray check box because it is amandatory function.• When you deselect a function that is alreadyinstalled, this function will be deleted(uninstalled).• If Panasonic Software Update Manager isalready installed, it will not be deleted(uninstalled) even when it is deselected.For details on how to uninstall it, refer to“Uninstalling Panasonic Software UpdateManager” (page 26).