Updating the TV Software● Shipping Condition● AdvancedEXITMENU39Updating the TV Software1 Display the menuMENU2 Select “Setup”Main MenuPictureSoundSetupaccessselect3 Select “System Menu”Link SettingsDVB-T Tuning MenuChild LockSetup MenuOff Timer OffLanguageCommon InterfaceDisplay SettingsSystem Menu AccessOther Settingsaccessselect4 Select “System Update”System MenuSystem InformationSoftware LicenceSystem UpdateShipping ConditionAccessaccessselect5 SetFrom time to time, a new version of software may become available for download to enhance theperformance or operations of the TV.If there is an update available, a notification banner is displayed when the channel has the updateinformation.To download● If you choose not to download● EXITYou can update any new software automatically or update manually.To return to TV■ EXITUpdate TV’s software system System UpdateTo update automatically■Select “Auto Update Search in Standby”System UpdateAuto Update Search in StandbySystem Update Search NowOff setselectEvery time you set, the TV automatically performs a● search in standby and downloads an update, if anysoftware updates are available.The automatic updating is performed under the● following conditions:Standby (TV turned Off with the remote control)•Recording is not in progress.•If System Update is performed, the software will be updated (it may change TV functions).If you do not wish to do so, set “Auto Update Search in Standby” to “Off”.To update immediately■Select “System Update Search Now” DownloadSystem UpdateAuto Update Search in StandbySystem Update Search NowOffAccessaccessselectSearches for an update(for several mins.) anddisplays a correspondingmessage if anyNoteDownload may take for about 60 mins.● During software download and update, DO NOT switch Off the TV.● The message might be the notification beforehand. In this case, the schedule information (the date that the● new version can be used) will appear. You can set the reservation for update. The update will not start whenthe TV is set to Off.