4411.4 Outdoor Unit11.4.1 Install the Outdoor Unit After selecting the best location, start installationaccording to Indoor/Outdoor Unit InstallationDiagram.1 Fix the unit on concrete or rigid frame firmlyand horizontally by bolt nut (ø10 mm).2 When installing at roof, please consider strongwind and earthquake. Please fasten theinstallation stand firmly with bolt or nails.(Unit in mm)14035544620 14020 25450(Anchor pitch)(Anchor pitch)11.4.2 CONNECTING THE PIPINGPiping size (Torque)Model Gas LiquidWH-SDC12F6E5WH-UD12FE5ø15.88 mm(5/8")[65 N•m]ø9.52 mm(3/8")[42 N•m]Connecting The Piping To Outdoor UnitDecide piping length and then cut by using pipe cutter.Remove burrs from cut edge. Make flare afterinserting the flare nut (locate at valve) onto the copperpipe.Align center of piping to valves and then tighten withtorque wrench to the specified torque as stated in thetable.Local pipes can project in any of four directions. Make holes in the pipe panels for the pipes topass through. Be sure to install the pipe panels to prevent rainfrom getting inside the outdoor unit.[Removing the service panel].1 Remove the three mounting screws.2 Slide the service panel downward to releasethe pawls.After this, pull the service panel toward you to removeit.CAUTIONDo not over tighten, over tightening cause gas leakage.Front pipe panelRear pipepanelMountingscrewsService panelRear directionSide panelDownwarddirectionForwarddirectionClose the tube joining areawith putty heat insulator(local supply) without anygap as shown in right figure.(To prevent insects or smallanimal entering.)Be sure to use two spannersto tighten.(If the nuts are overtightened, it may causethe flares to breakor leak.) Do not attachthe spannersherePutty or Heatinsulator(local supply)