8413.9 Tank Booster Heater Control13.9.1 Tank Booster Heater ControlHeating operation condition:Tank set temperature +[-5°C]Tank set temperature +[+2°C]Heater OFFHeater ON1 Booster heater Turn On condition:o After BOOSTER HEATER DELAY TIMER fulfill during heatpump startup time in tank mode, or duringswitching from heating heat-up interval to tank heat-up interval in heat + tank mode (heating priority notset).o Tank temperature < Tank set temperature + [-5°C],o 20 minutes since previous heater off.* BOOSTER HEATER DELAY TIMER is clear when tank heat-up interval end.2 Booster heater Turn Off condition:o Tank temperature > Tank set temperature + [+2°C] for continuous 15 seco When BOOSTER HEATER DELAY TIMER start count after switch from heating heat-up interval to tankheat-up interval* DELAY TIMER can be set by control panel.13.10 Base Pan Heater Control (Optional) To enable the base pan heater function, control panel initial setting has to be manually adjusted by activatingBase Pan Heater menu. There are 2 optional start condition can be selected, Type A or Type B. Control details:1 Type A: (Default Auto Mode)Start conditions:o When outdoor air temperature ≤ 3°C during heating and deice operation is ON.Control contents:o Base pan heater is ON during deice operation and continues ON for 10 minutes after deice operationends.Cancel condition:o When outdoor temperature > 6°C after deice end oro When operation is not at heating mode oro Base pan heater ON timer count is completed.2 Type B: (ON Mode)Start conditions:o When outdoor air temperature is ≤ 5°C and operates in heating mode, base pan heater is ON.Cancel conditions:o When outdoor air temperature is > 7°C oro When operation is not at heating mode.Note:* Base pan heater cannot be ON during test mode and stand by mode.