7312.18 Holiday Mode Purpose:Promotes energy saving by allowing the user to stop the system during holiday and enables the system toresume at the preset temperature after holiday. Control details:o Range of days can be set in holiday mode is from 1 to 999 days.o After days of holiday have been set, heat pump will stop and only resume operation at 12.00am at theend of holiday countdown. Start condition:o Unit is OFF and holiday mode is set.* The day the holiday mode was set is counted as day 1. Stop condition:o OFF/ON button is pressed.o Holiday counter is reached.12.19 Dry Concrete Function PurposeProvide heat to floor heating panel and dry the wet concrete during installation. Setting condition:o Dry concrete parameter can be set through control panel by selecting dry concrete menu.o Parameters are possible to set up to 99 days with different target set temperature. Control details:o Dry concrete operation can be activate under Service Mode 3.o Once dry concrete function start, day 1 setting temperature will be send to indoor unit by control panel.o Unit will operate heat mode with dry concrete preset water outlet temperature. (No shift value added tothe preset water outlet temperature)o After complete day 1 setup operation, day 2 data will be send to indoor at 12.00am on the second day.o Each preset data will be send everyday until dry concrete mode is complete, unit will turns OFF and exitdry concrete function.o 3 ways valve and booster heater will turn OFF and 2 ways valve will turns ON. Cancel condition:o Unit will turns OFF and exit dry concrete function.o OFF signal is received by pressing OFF/ON button or error H76 is occurred.