134 Heat pump and water pump OFF when ROOM thermo OFF Heat mode: ROOM thermo OFF (Buffer Tank Temperature > Target Buffer Tank + [0°C] Cool mode: ROOM Thermo OFF (Both Zone thermo OFF by Room Th or Room Thermostat)14.1.7 Auto Mode OperationOutdoor AmbientCool To HeatSetting Temp.COOLMODEHEATMODEHeat To CoolSetting Temp. Control details:o To enable the unit to operate either heat or cool mode automatically, heat to cool set temperature andcool to heat set temperature can be set by control panel.o Automatic operation is judged based on control panel setting temperature and outdoor ambienttemperature.* Minimum setting of heat to cool set temperature is 1°C higher than cool to heat set temperature. Judgement control:o If outdoor ambient temperature < Heat to Cool Set Temperature, unit will operate in Heat Mode or elsethe unit will operate in Cool Mode.o If current operation is Cool mode, outdoor ambient temperature > Cool to Heat Temperature, unit willmaintain Cool mode operation or else the unit will operate Heat mode.o If current operation is Heat mode, outdoor ambient temperature >Heat to Cool Temperature, unit willmaintain Heat mode operation or else the unit will operate Cool mode.o Every 60 minutes the outdoor ambient temperature is judged.o When Auto + Tank mode is selected, operation mode switching is judged by both outdoor ambienttemperature and indoor air temperature.14.1.8 Auto Cooling Mode Operation Limit10°CCompressorON8°CCompressorOFFOutdoor AmbientTemperature Auto Mode Cooling Only operation will start once the outdoor ambient temperature reaches 10°C andcompressor will continue to run until the outdoor ambient temperature drops to 8°C. Due to this limitation,If Heat to Cool temperature is set lower than 10°C, the compressor will not operates until the outdoorambient temperature reaches 10°C or higher.14.1.9 Tank Mode Operation 3 ways valve directiono 3 ways valve switch to tank side during Tank Thermo ON condition. Switch 3 ways valve to room side whentank achieve Tank Thermo OFF temperature. Tank Thermo ON/OFF CharacteristicTank Thermo OFFCase 1: Internal Tank Heater is select and Tank Heater ONo Tank temperature > Tank Set Temperature continuously for 15 seconds. ORo Water outlet >75°C