84(camera 1 to 5 are assigned to a group)3. To display a Single Spot image, select an image to bedisplayed on the monitor by pressing one of the numer-ic buttons that the indicator in the button lights up. Multi Sequence (Live)A series of camera images can be displayed in successionon the monitor screen for the specified duration.Each sequence step can be combined with four screensegments (quad) and single image.Refer to the 5 - 1 - 1 MULTI LIVE SEQUENCE SETUP for fur-ther details.1. Select the input mode for all groups by pressing theGROUP SELECT button (indicator off).2. Press the MULTISCREEN SELECT button to displaythe one of the screen segments on the monitor.3. Press the SEQUENCE button to run the assignedsequence forward on the monitor screen.1 2 3 45 6 7 89 10 11 1213 14 15 161 23 4 56 7132457681315141691110121 2 34 56 7 8 910 11 12 131 23 4 5 67 8 9 101 2 34 5 67 8 9(4A) (4B) (4C)(4D)23451 2 3 4513241 23 4 5112 34 51 23 4 51 23 4 54. During the sequence, press the SEQUENCE button topause the sequence that is being run on the monitorscreen.The indicator in the button blinks to indicate that thesequence is paused.5. Press the SEQUENCE button to restart the sequenceforward from the step that was previously paused bypressing the SEQUENCE button.The indicator in the button changes to a steady light.6. To return to Single Spot monitoring, select an image tobe displayed by pressing a numeric button (1 - 16).Or to return to screen segments display, press theMULTISCREEN SELECT button.Notes:• You can also enable the Auto Skip function to skipany steps when no video signal is present.(or a screen segment is blacked out on the quaddisplay.)Refer to AUTO SKIP in the 5 - 1 SEQUENCE SETUPfor further details.• The setting can be adjusted in such a way that thesequence step for displaying an image on the SpotMonitor screen in the single spot mode can beskipped automatically.(or a screen segment is blacked out on the quaddisplay.)Refer to the SECRET VIEW in the 5 MULTIPLEXERSETUP for further details.SEQUENCESEQUENCE1 2435768913151416 PreviousNext |