59In order to diagnose malfunctions, make sure that there are noelectrical problems before inspecting the refrigeration cycle.Such problems include insufficient insulation, problem with thepower source, malfunction of compressor or fan.The normal outlet air temperature and pressure of therefrigeration cycle depends on various conditions, the standardvalues for them are shown in the table to the right.Normal pressure and outlet air temperature(standard)Cooling modeGas side pressureMpa(kg/cm G)20.4~0.6(4~6) 12~16Outlet airtemperature( )Condition: indoor fan speed: highoutdoor temperature:35 (Cooling mode)7 (Heating mode)Difference in theintake and outletair temperatureMore than 8(15 minutes afte anoperation is started) at the cooling modeNormalMeasuring electric currentduring operationMeasuring gas sidepressureLess than 14 at the heating mode.Value of electriccurrentduring operationHigher thanspecified Dusty heat exchangerpreventing heat radiationExcessive amountof refrigerantLower than specifiedGas side pressureCoolingmode HighLowLowInefficient compressorInsufficient refrigerantclogged strainer orcapillary tube12.1. Refrigeration cycle system12 Troubleshooting GuideMeasuring the airtemperature differenceHeating mode 1.5~2.1(15~21) 36~45More than 14(15 minutes afte anoperation is started)at the heating modeLess than 8 at the cooling mode.CS-PA7DKD / CU-PA7DKD / CS-PC7DKD / CU-PC7DKDInefficient compressorInsufficient refrigerantclogged strainer orcapillary tubeLowLowHeatingmodeLow