16Configuringthe Printer DriverSettingsBasic TabBasic tab is used for configuring basic printing settings.16234571112131489101. Paper SizeDisplays the current Paper Size and OutputPaper Size settings.2. Paper ImageRepresents the current settings, along with theicons shown below.3. IconsRepresent the current settings, along with thepaper image shown above.4. Printer Status... buttonUsed to check the printer status, launch theDevice Monitor, which displays the status.This feature is only available when the printer isconnected over a TCP/IP network.5. Restore All Defaults buttonRestores all the settings to the default value.6. Paper Size/Output Paper SizeThere are two settings for paper size. They arePaper Size and Output Paper Size.Paper Size denotes the document size createdby the software applications.Output Paper Size denotes the size of paperused by the printer.Custom paper sizes can be selected in thePaper Size and Output Paper Size settings.Note:Choosing envelope paper sizes, automaticallyswitches theMedia Type toEnvelope.TheMedia Type andPaper Source settings deferdepending on thePaper Size setting.7. Custom Paper... buttonYou can create, edit and delete custom papers.Up to 50 custom papers can be registered.Note:Custom paper size is saved for individual users whoare logged on.The saved Custom Papers will not be delated whenthe PCL Driver is uninstalled. The Custom Paperfiles will automatically be recognized if the PCLDriver is installed again.Use Long PaperCreates Long Paper as a custom paper size.Choose from the following paper sizes for long paper.Width: 8.27 - 11.69 in.(210.0 - 297.0 mm)Length: 18.01 - 35.43 in.(457.3 - 900.0 mm)