194 195010203040506010203040506Appendix07interfere with the functioning ofyour Pantech product.12 Month Limited WarrantyPantech Wireless, Inc. (theCompany) warrants to theoriginal retail purchaser of thisPantech handheld portablecellular telephone, that shouldthis product or any part thereofduring normal consumerusage and conditions, beproven defective in materialor workmanship that results inproduct failure within the firsttwelve (12) months period fromthe date of purchase, suchdefect(s) will be repaired orreplaced (with new or rebuiltparts) at the Company’s option,without charge for parts or labordirectly related to the defect(s).The antenna, keypad, display,rechargeable battery andbattery charger, if included, aresimilarly warranted for twelve (12)months from date of purchase.This Warranty extends only toconsumers who purchase theproduct in the United States orCanada and it is not transferableor assignable.This Warranty does not applyto:(a) Product subjected toabnormal use or conditions,accident, mishandling,neglect, unauthorizedalteration, misuse, improperinstallation or repair orimproper storage;(b) Product whose mechanicalserial number or electronicserial number has beenremoved, altered or defaced.(c) Damage from exposure tomoisture, humidity, excessivetemperatures or extremeenvironmental conditions;(d) Damage resulting fromconnection to, or use of anyaccessory or other productnot approved or authorizedby the Company;(e) Defects in appearance,cosmetic, decorative orstructural items such asframing and non-operativeparts;(f) Product damaged fromexternal causes such as fire,flooding, dirt, sand, weatherconditions, battery leakage,blown fuse, theft or improperusage of any electricalsource.