200 201010203040506010203040506Appendix07keypad) will be used.• If you prefer to not hold thephone (e.g. to place it on yourdesk or in the cup holder of yourcar) while it is being used inspeakerphone mode, the phoneshould be put in the closedposition. Your call will continueand the external microphone(below the external display andthe LED indicators) with thelower-performing basic noisesuppression will pick up yourvoice.Dynamic NoiseSuppression fromAudienceYour phone is equipped with anadvanced voice processing chipthat delivers clear mobile calls bysuppressing background noise,intermittent sounds (like a sirenor nearby conversation), andechoes,allowing you to hear and beheard nearly anywhere.How Does It Work?Based on the intelligence ofthe human hearing system, thetechnology:• Captures, evaluates anddistinguishes all the soundsignals surrounding your phone,and the person you’re speakingwith.• Then isolates the primary voicein conversation and filters outthe background noise – so theperson you’re calling hears onlyyour voice, without disturbingbackground noise.• Dynamically equalizesand adjusts voice volumeto optimize your callingexperience, so you can hearclearly and don’t need tospeak louder to overcomesurrounding noise.The noise suppressiontechnology is built-in andalready enabled in your newmobile phone. So it’s ready toprovide unsurpassed voiceclarity with every call.earSmart™ technologyYour phone featuresearSmart™, anintelligent voiceprocessor that delivers a clearvoice experience, allowing youto hear and be heard™ in nearly