TEXT MENU FUNCTIONS65■ NEW TEXT MSGTo compose a new text message:➊ Press [Menu] .➋ The Message Contents field is highlighted. Type anew text message, then press .➌ The Recipient field is highlighted. Type the recipientphone number and press .➍ To send the text message, press [Send].• By pressing [Menu], you can choose from the following:Copy Text: Saves the message text to the Quick Text list.Paste Text: Pastes text from the Quick Text list.Save Draft: Saves a draft of the message.• By pressing [To:], you can choose from the following:Contacts: Brings up your contact list so you can select anumber.Call Log: Brings up the call log so you can select a number.Groups: Brings up the groups list so you can add an entiregroup or a member of a specific group.Save Draft: Saves a draft of the message.Delete All Num: Deletes all recipient phone numbers.