JackZombie BoneZombieCleaverZombieShotgunZombieOrcSoul Demon Barbarian Pandemes■ THE LOST SISTERThe player becomes Jack, the main character of the game, and goesto the front to rescue his kidnapped sister from the wicked wizardPandemes. In a previous war, Jack killed Pandemes’s two sisters—toexact his revenge, Pandemes has kidnapped Jack’s sister and waitsfor Jack with his monsters in the dungeon’s darkness. To rescuehis sister, Jack must go to the dungeon for the final battle againstPandemes.GAME FEATURES• RPG game with 3D background• You can level up by obtaining green gems hidden in thedungeon. As your level goes up, you can acquire specialskills.• Light and fog effects• Background music and effects created with high qualityMIDIMAIN CHARACTERSAPPS MENU FUNCTIONS95Select3D Game