69• Delete: Deletes the preset CUG Identifier.• Fixed Dialing (Fixed Dialing Numbers)Fixed Dialing is a service that limits access to specific numbers inthe Contacts list recorded on your SIM card.You must input your PIN2 code to set up or cancel this service.Press the [Menu] Soft key then select 6.Settings then select9.Security Settings then select 8.Fixed Dialling.Press the [Option] Soft key [ ] to select one of the following.• On• Off• Fixed Dial List: Defines the numbers recorded in your FixedDialing List.• Change PIN2This function allows you to change your phone’s PIN2 code.Press the [Menu] Soft key then select 6.Settings then select9.Security Settings then select 9.Change PIN2.You must input the previous PIN2 number and the new PIN2 numberto change.• System ResetThis function allows you to delete all user settings and data from yourphone and return to the factory default settings.Press the [Menu] Soft key then select 6.Settings then select9.Security Settings then select 10.System Reset.Input the phone password then press the [OK] key. The default phonepassword is 1234.Flight ModePress the [Menu] Soft key then select 6.Settings then select10.Flight Mode.Once you select "Flight Mode On", you cannot make or receive calls.This mode enables you to switch off all telephone communicationsfunctions but maintains power to other functions such as the calendar,games, MP3 Player, etc. This mode supports use of these features inenvironments where transmitters and/or receivers are not allowed,such as on aircraft. If you select “Flight Mode Off”, your phone willrestart.Software VersionThis function allows you to display your phone’s current softwareversion.Press the [Menu] Soft key then select 6.Settings then select11.Software Version.NOTE: If no record exists, press the [Add] Soft key to displaythe name input screen for a new CUG.