Pantech X1 Getting Started
66 Appendix Appendix 674. What are the results of the research donealready?The research done thus far has produced conflict-ing results, and many studies have suffered fromflaws in their research methods. Animal experi-ments investigating the effects of radiofrequencyenergy (RF) exposures characteristic of wirelessphones have yielded conflicting results that oftencannot be repeated in other laboratories. A fewanimal studies, however, have suggested thatlow levels of RF could accelerate the develop-ment of cancer in laboratory animals. However,many of the studies that showed increased tumordevelopment used animals that had been geneti-cally engineered or treated with cancer-causingchemicals so as to be predisposed to develop can-cer in the absence of RF exposure. Other studiesexposed the animals to RF for up to 22 hours perday. These conditions are not similar to the condi-tions under which people use wireless phones, sowe don’t know with certainty what the results ofsuch studies mean for human health. Three largeepidemiology studies have been published sinceDecember 2000. Between them, the studies investi-gated any possible association between the use ofwireless phones and primary brain cancer, glioma,meningioma, or acoustic neuroma, tumors of thebrain or salivary gland, leukemia, or other cancers.None of the studies demonstrated the existenceof any harmful health effects from wireless phoneRF exposures. However, none of the studies cananswer questions about long-term exposures, sincethe average period of phone use in these studieswas around three years.5. What research is needed to decide whether RFexposure from wireless phones poses a healthrisk?A combination of laboratory studies and epide-miological studies of people actually using wirelessphones would provide some of the data that areneeded. Lifetime animal exposure studies couldbe completed in a few years. However, very largenumbers of animals would be needed to providereliable proof of a cancer promoting effect if oneexists. Epidemiological studies can provide datathat is directly applicable to human populations,but 10 or more years’ follow-up may be needed toprovide answers about some health effects, suchas cancer. This is because the interval betweenthe time of exposure to a cancer-causing agentand the time tumors develop - if they do -may bemany, many years. The interpretation of epidemio-logical studies is hampered by difficulties in mea-suring actual RF exposure during day-to-day useof wire-less phones. Many factors affect this mea-surement, such as the angle at which the phone isheld, or which model of phone is used.6. What is FDA doing to find out more about thepossible health effects of wireless phone RF?FDA is working with the U.S. National ToxicologyProgram and with groups of investigators aroundthe world to ensure that high priority animal stud-ies are conducted to address important questionsabout the effects of exposure to radiofrequencyenergy (RF). FDA has been a leading participantin the World Health Organization InternationalElectromagnetic Fields (EMF) Project since its incep-tion in 1996. An influential result of this work hasbeen the development of a detailed agenda ofresearch needs that has driven the establishmentof new research programs around the world.The Project has also helped develop a series ofpublic information documents on EMF issues. FDAand the Cellular Telecommunications & InternetAssociation (CTIA) have a formal CooperativeResearch and Development Agreement (CRADA)to do research on wireless phone safety. FDA pro-vides the scientific oversight, obtaining input fromexperts in government, industry, and academicorganizations. CTIA-funded research is conductedthrough contracts to independent investigators.The initial research will include both labora-torystudies and studies of wireless phone users. TheCRADA will also include a broad assessment ofadditional research needs in the context of the lat-est research developments around the world.7. How can I find out how much radiofrequencyenergy exposure I can get by using my wirelessphone?All phones sold in the United States must complywith Federal Communications Commission (FCC)guidelines that limit radiofrequency energy (RF)exposures. FCC established these guidelines in con-sultation with FDA and the other federal healthand safety agencies. The FCC limit for RF expo-sure from wireless telephones is set at a SpecificAbsorption Rate (SAR) of 1.6 watts per kilogram(1.6 W/kg). The FCC limit is consistent with thesafety standards developed by the Institute ofElectrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) andthe National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurement. The exposure limit takes into con-sideration the body’s ability to remove heat fromthe tissues that absorb energy from the wirelessphone and is set well below levels known to haveeffects. Manufacturers of wireless phones mustreport the RF exposure level for each model ofphone to the FCC. The FCC website ( gives directions for locatingthe FCC identification number on your phone soyou can find your phone’s RF exposure level in theonline listing.8. What has FDA done to measure the radiofre-quency energy coming from wireless phones?The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(IEEE) is developing a technical standard for mea-suring the radiofrequency energy (RF) exposurefrom wireless phones and other wireless handsetswith the participation and leadership of FDA scien-tists and engineers. The standard, “RecommendedPractice for Determining the Spatial-Peak SpecificAbsorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Body Due toWireless Communications Devices: ExperimentalTechniques,” sets forth the first consistent testmethodology for measuring the rate at which RFis deposited in the heads of wireless phone users.The test method uses a tissue-simulating model ofthe human head. Standardized SAR test methodol-ogy is expected to greatly improve the consistencyof measurements made at different laboratories |
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