STEP 16:200 1 2 3 4 5 61/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2FIGURE 16• The PLATFORM (11) can adjust into three positions: 35, 40, and 45 degrees• The HIP SLED was designed with the SURE-LOC SYSTEM for ultimate safety. To activate the CARRIAGE STOP BARS (7)fromeither the LEG PRESS or HACK SQUAT position, begin by moving the CARRIAGE (16) up. Grasp the (HANDLES or BAR) onthe CARRIAGE STOP BARS (7) and (push or pull) up and rotate them out. Now the stops are out of the way to perform theexercise.• To stop the CARRIAGE (16) on one of the three carriage stops simply rotate the CARRIAGE STOP BARS (7) back up and allowthem to drop down into the SURE-LOC SYSTEM.11167SURE-LOCBUSHINGBARCARRIAGESTOPSHANDLES35°,40°,45°