10 of 20598P/599P Application Manual598/599P Set-up ProcedureAt the moment the software identifies the 590P External Stack Module as a 590PH Module and therefore theExternal Stack must be set for a similar current range to an equivalent 590PH.CALIBRATION SWITCH1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10500 amp Steps If Cal Va CalON4 Switches OnARMATURE CURRENT CALIBRATION4 Switches must be “On” under ALL circumstances. The Drive Software will then scale the Current FeedbackSignal to give the desired Output Current provided the correct ACCTs of a ratio of 2000 to 1 have been fitted.FIELD CURRENT CALIBRATIONSW7 SW8 SW9 Field Calibration0 0 0 200 0 1 400 1 0 600 1 1 801 0 0 1001 0 1 120ARMATURE VOLTAGE CALIBRATIONSW10 Attenuation Calibration0 Va/100 Normal1 Va/200 Va/2ExampleSet the Product Code of the Module to a 590H of the same Current Range as the Stack and with the associatedmaximum field current calibration. i.e. for a 2Q Stack with a 2000 Amps Armature and a 35 Amps Field set theProduct Code to DC 2Q 2200A 40 DSet the Field Calibration switches to the appropriate range i.e. with SW7 OFF, SW8 OFF & SW9 ON.Adjust the Armature Current and other parameters as normal provided the external CT is 2000:1.For a different CT Ratio “R” set the Armature Current using an appropriate multiplier where the multiplier M =2000/R and the Armature Current Setting is M * Normal. i.e. if the CT Ratio is 1000:1 you will need to set 2 *the required current. Note this may mean that you may have to select a Higher Current Range on the InitialProduct.This manual was downloaded on www.sdsdrives.com+44 (0)117 938 1800 - info@sdsdrives.com