Chapter 3 Installation - 69 -Ethernet Cable SpecificationCable....................................................... RJ-45 Ethernet, unshielded CAT 5EEthernet ConnectionThe Ethernet port is located on the front panel of the ACR9000. This is anoptional feature. (For specifications, see Ethernet Connector on page 39.)Before connecting to an Ethernet port, you must configure the ACR9000 touse an IP address and subnet mask that is valid for your network. Thefactory assigns an IP address of and a subnet mask of255.255.255.0 to each controller. Before adding the controller to yournetwork, assign it an IP address and subnet mask appropriate for yournetwork.Important!Talk with your Network Administrators before assigning an IP address orsubnet mask to a controller. They can provide you with an available IPaddress, as well as which subnet mask is appropriate for your particularnetwork configuration.Isolate the ACR9000 controller and related devices on their own subnet.The high-volume traffic on networks can affect the ACR9000 controller'sperformance. A closed network restricts the flow of traffic to only thecontroller and related devices.Assigning an IP Address and Subnet MaskThe following procedure is for configuring an ACR9000 controller using aSerial connection.1. Using a standard RS-232 cable, connect the COM1 serial connector onthe ACR9000 to a serial port on your PC. For information about COM1,see pages 35 and 48.2. Using an Ethernet crossover cable, connect the ACR9000 to your PC.3. Start the ACR-View software, and set up a basic project:a. In the New/Open Project dialog box, select Create New Project.Then enter a title in the box, and click OK.b. Select ACR9000 and then click Next.c. Enter the part number for the controller and then click Next.d. In the Controller Alias box, type ACR9000 and then click Next.e. In the dialog box under Communications, click Serial. Then selectthe COM port (on the personal computer) you want to use from theleft-most list. Then select the Baud for communications from theright-most list.f. Click Connect.4. In the Project Workspace (to the left), select Terminal Emulator.5. In the Terminal Emulator, do the following:a. To set the IP address, type IP “” where x isthe IP address. Quotation marks must surround the IP address.