Parker PAC120 Series Operation Manual
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PAC120 5715-719UK.indd 05.06.20 PAC120 5715-719UK.indd 05.06.202524Parker Automation ControllerSeries PAC120Parker Automation ControllerSeries PAC1205.3.2 Menü – Configuration5.3.2.1 Menu Item “Network”Use this page to change various of the control unit's network settings. The new network settings will be enabledwhen you restart the unit.Host nameThe host name identifies the control unit in a unique manner. In CODESYS V3, the host name is called device nameand computer name in Windows. Host names are made up of one or several labels separated by a dot. A labelconsists of one or more characters.A label may be comprised of up to 24 ASCII characters:• a–z or A–Z (no distinction is made between upper and lower case)• Numerals 0–9• Hyphen/minus sign –RFC952 disallows all other characters because they may cause problems. You may also use a Fully Qualified Do-main Name (FQDN) such as as the host name.Please note that the control unit does not run any DNS or WINS services. Accessing the control unit using the hostname therefore requires an extra configuration (e.g. an entry in the network's DNS server).DNS serverSpecify at least one valid DNS server if you wish the control unit to gain access to the domain name system (DNS),that is to say, if you wish it to access other hosts by their name instead of their IP address. The second DNS serv-er is a fallback name in case access to the first server fails. Retain the default for both entries ( if you donot wish to use the DNS.Default gatewayEnter the IP address of the router or gateway if the control unit needs to be connected to the Internet. You may re-tain the default ( if the control unit will be used in the local area network only. The gateway settings only ap-ply to the first network interface (eth0).ETH0ETH1 is the device name of the second network interface of the operating system. This interface supports variousmodes (inactive, static, dhcp, ethercat, profinet device).The factory setting is a static IP address for the first network interface, i.e. eth0 (mode: static).ETH0:1Virtual extension of network interfaces eth0 and eth1 which allows you to set a second static IP address for the net-work interface concerned, e.g. for providing separate service access. Only supports mode: static and IP address-es from another IP address range than that of the basic interface. It will not activate if the basic interface mode"ethercat" is active.Network mode: inactiveThis mode entirely disables the network interface.Network mode: staticThis mode lets you set a static IP address. Apart from the static IP address you will need the net mask (called Net-Mask or Subnetmask). This mode should also be enabled if you wish to use the interface for BACnet, Ethernet/IPor as a Modbus/TCP interface.Network mode: dhcpThis mode supports a DHCP server's IP address automatically assigned to the network interface when starting thecontrol unit. Set fields IP Address and NetMask to (default).OperationNetwork mode: ethercatThis mode defines the network interface as an EtherCAT device. We recommend using eth1 for EtherCAT. In CODE-SYS V3, you will then have to tell the EtherCAT master configuration that the interface selected for EtherCAT (e.g."eth1") is a bus interface.Network mode: profinet deviceThis function is not supported by PAC120. The left-sided Profinet interface is configured within CODESYS.ETH1ETH1 is the device name of the second network interface of the operating system. This network interface is per-manently set up as a EtherCAT device (mode: ethercat). Menu Item “CAN”The settings on this page allow you to omit CODESYS V3 and still operate the CAN interfaces at a specific baudrate. By default ("set by codesys"), the interface remains inactive until initialised by the CODESYS V3 application.If you tick one of the available baud rates, the CODESYS V3 application will be ignored when booting the systemand the CAN interface will be enabled at the set baud rate. The application can still access the interface. Menu Item „Time and Date“Use this page to set time of the control unit's real-time clock (RTC) and the time zone. The default time zone on isset to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). What is making this a special setting is that UTC is equivalent to thecontrol unit's RTC. Changing the UTC time also changes the RTC. Upon delivery, the control unit's RTC is set tothe current German time.You will need this information to change the time zone of the control unit in order to run functions such as chang-ing between winter and daylight saving time. Remember to change the default German time to the actual UTC timebefore choosing a new time zone. The time and the changed time zone will not display correctly until you haveproperly set the RTC/UTC.Please note that some of the CODESYS V3 system libraries read the time as RTC(UTC).To show the time and the time zone together, the time reading must first be converted into the local time. Menu Item „VNC-Server“Use this page to change the resolution and colour settings of the control unit's on-board VNC server. Dependingon the connected e-terminal, the values should be adapted accordingly. If images with alpha channel (e.g. trans-parent PNGs) are used for visualization, 32 bit colour depth is recommended. Menu Item „FTP-Server“Use this page to enable or disable the control unit's on-board FTP server which uses TCP port 21. The followingusers are privileged to log in to the FTP server:User name Root Directory Change Root Directory Rightsroot /root yes read/writeftpuser /flash/ftpupload no read/write (ftpupload only)ftpadm /flash/ftpupload yes read/write (ftpupload only)ftpreader /flash/ftpupload no readftp custom user(ftpreader/ftpuser/ftpadm) Einstellbar adjustable adjustableOperation |
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