PAC120 5715-719UK.indd 05.06.20 PAC120 5715-719UK.indd 05.06.204948Parker Automation ControllerSeries PAC120Parker Automation ControllerSeries PAC1206.7 ProfiNet settingsThe PAC120 has a flexible mapping and supports acyclic data communication. Suitable function blocks for theSiemens Tia portal are available, which will simplify communication with a S7 PLC. These files can be found onthe PAC120 webpage.The address range for the input and output data for synchronous communication is 255 bytes each. It is dividedinto the data types INT, DINT and REAL as follows:• 32x INT• 16x DINT and• 32x REALPAC120For the communication via ProfiNet, the function block ProfiNet_Init must be called in the application program. Thefunction block is part of the system library PKR_PAC120_System of the PAC120.Cyclic communicationThe values to be sent to the machine PLC need to be assigned to the send arrays• ProfiNet_SyncDataTransmit.Int16[x] with x: 0 - 31,• ProfiNet_SyncDataTransmit.Int32[x] with x: 0 - 15 or• ProfiNet_SyncDataTransmit.Real32[x] with x: 0 - 31according to their data type.The values to be received from the machine PLC can be read from the receive arrays• ProfiNet_SyncDataReceive.Int16[x] with x: 0 - 31,• ProfiNet_SyncDataReceive.Int32[x] with x: 0 - 15 or• ProfiNet_SyncDataReceive.Real32[x] with x: 0- 31depending on their data type.Acyclic communicationAcyclic data can be exchanged via pre-defined objects. To the following objects the machine PLC has read andwrite access:• 200x INT,• 200x UINT,• 200x DINT,• 200x UDINT,• 200x DINT,• 200x REAL,• 20x STRING[63]The data can be written or read from the following arrays:• ProfiNet_AsyncData.Int16[x] with x: 0 - 199,• ProfiNet_AsyncData.UInt16[x] with x: 0 - 199,• ProfiNet_AsyncData.Int32[x] with x: 0 - 199,• ProfiNet_AsyncData.UInt32[x] with x: 0 - 199,• ProfiNet_AsyncData.Real32[x] with x: 0 - 199 and• ProfiNet_AsyncData.String[x] with x: 0 - 19ExampleThe following example shows an exemplary data exchange for the values of a connected PACHC controller module:CFC:STCODESYS V3.5 CODESYS V3.5