TroubleshootingAn after-image remains after the powerhas been turned off.l This is characteristic of liquid crystal andis not caused by a malfunction ordeterioration of the liquid crystal. Theafter-image will disappear after a peroidof time.Green, red, blue, dark, and white dotsremainsl The remaining dots are normalcharacteristic of the liquid crystal used intoday’s technology.LightFrameTM doesn't workl Press the Auto button.l Activate the LightFrame TM software again.For further assistance, refer to the Consumer Information Centers list and contact your localPhilips distributor.RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGEfile:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/W9/english/190p5/safety/saf_troub.htm (3 of 3)2004-09-21 9:08:32 AM