Consumer Information CentersINDIAPhone: 91-20-712 2048 ext: 2765Fax: 91-20-712 1558BOMBAYPhilips IndiaCustomer Relation CentreBandbox House254-D Dr. A Besant Road, WorliBombay 400 025CALCUTTACustomer Relation Centre7 justice Chandra Madhab RoadCalcutta 700 020MADRASCustomer Relation Centre3, Haddows RoadMadras 600 006NEW DELHICustomer Relation Centre68, Shivaji MargNew Dehli 110 015INDONESIAPhilips Group of Companies in IndonesiaConsumer Information CentreJl.Buncit Raya Kav. 99-10012510 JakartaPhone: (021)-7940040 ext: 2100Fax : (021)-794 7511 / 794 7539file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/W9/english/warranty/warcic.htm (8 of 11)2005-03-07 5:05:56 PM