Dot rateFrequency in MHz of the dot clock. It is a measure of the speed with which data is transferred between thevideo card and subsequent processing circuitry.Also known as video dot rate.RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGEEElectromagnetic radiation standardsInternational standards set to limit electromagnetic emissions from monitors. There are currently twoimportant standards both derived from regulations originally laid down by Swedish authorities.MPR-IIThe standard originally proposed by the Swedish National Board of Measurement and Testing. It setmaximum levels of electromagnetic radiation emitted by monitors, and has now been adopted as a worldstandard. MPR-II defines maximum permitted electrostatic, magnetic and electric field levels measured at adistance of 50 cm from the center of the monitor (see table).TCOGlossaryfile:///D|/rita/LF2/LF2/LFa1/multi_manual/english/GLOSSARY/GLOSSARY.HTM (5 of 18) [8/29/2001 3:14:04 PM]