123. Image Optimization• Photo: This profile combines colorsaturation, dynamic contrast andsharpness enhancement to displayphotos and other images withoutstanding clarity in vibrant colors -all without artifacts and faded colors.• Movie: Ramped up luminance,deepened color saturation, dynamiccontrast and razor sharpness displaysevery details in darker areas of yourvideos without color washout inbrighter areas maintaining a dynamicnatural values for the ultimate videodisplay.• Game: Turn on over drive circuit forbest response time, reduce jaggyedges for fast moving objects onscreen, enhance contrast ratio forbright and dark scheme, this profiledelivers the best gaming experiencefor gamers.• Economy: Under this profile,brightness, contrast are adjustedand backlighting finetuned for justright display of everyday officeapplications and lower powerconsumption.• LowBlue Mode: LowBlue Modefor easy on-the-eyes productivityStudies have shown that just asultra-violet rays can cause eyedamage, shortwave length blue lightrays from LED displays can causeeye damage and affect vision overtime. Developed for wellbeing,Philips LowBlue Mode setting uses asmart software technology to reduceharmful shortwave blue light.• Off: No optimization by SmartImage.NotePhilips LowBlue mode, mode 2compliance with TUV Low Blue Lightcertification, you can have this mode bysimply press the hotkey , then pressto select LowBlue Mode, see aboveSmartImage selection steps.3.2 SmartContrastWhat is it?Unique technology that dynamicallyanalyzes displayed content andautomatically optimizes a Monitor'scontrast ratio for maximum visual clarityand viewing enjoyment, stepping upbacklighting for clearer, crisper andbrighter images or dimming backlightingfor clear display of images on darkbackgrounds.Why do I need it?You want the very best visual clarityand viewing comfort for every type ofcontent. SmartContrast dynamicallycontrols contrast and adjustsbacklighting for clear, crisp, brightgaming and video images or displaysclear, readable text for office work.By reducing your monitor's powerconsumption, you save on energy costsand extend the lifetime of your monitor.How does it work?When you activate SmartContrast, it willanalyse the content you are displayingin real time to adjust colors and controlbacklight intensity. This function willdynamically enhance contrast for agreat entertainment experience whenviewing videos or playing games.