145. Designs to prevent computer vision syndrome5. Designs to preventcomputer visionsyndrome (CVS)Philips monitor is designed to preventeye strain caused by prolongedcomputer use.Follow below instructions and usePhilips monitor to efficiently reducefatigue and maximum workingproductivity.1. Appropriate environment lighting:• Adjusting the environmentlighting similar to that of yourscreen brightness, avoid thefluorescent lighting, and surfacesthat don’t reflect too much light.• Adjusting the brightness andcontrast to appropriate level.2. Good working habits:• Excessive usage of monitor cancause eye discomfort, it’s betterto take shorter breaks moreoften at your workstation thanlonger breaks and less often; forexample a 5-10 minute breakafter 50-60-minute continuousscreen use is likely to be betterthan a 15-minute break every twohours.• Looking at something varyingdistances after a long periodfocusing on the screen.• Gently closing and rolling youreyes to relax.• Conscious blinking often whileworking.• Gently stretch your neck, andslowly tilt your head forward,backward, side for pain relief.3. Ideal working posture• Reposition your screen toappropriate height and angleaccording to your height.4. Choose Philips monitor for easy-on-eyes.• Anti-glare screen: Anti-glarescreen efficiently reducesannoying and distractingreflections that caused eyefatigue.• Flicker-free technology designsto regulate brightness and reduceflicker for more comfortableviewing.• LowBlue mode: Blue lightmay cause eye strains. PhilipsLowBlue mode allows you to setdifferent blue light filter levels forvariety working situation.• EasyRead mode for a paper-like reading experience, givinga more comfortable viewingexperience while dealing withlong documents on the screen.