102. Setting up the monitor[PIP]: Picture in PictureOpen up a sub-window ofanother signal source. BA (main)When the sub source is notdetected: BA (main)[PBP]: Picture by PictureOpen up a sub-window side-by-side of another signalsource. A (main) BWhen the sub source is notdetected: A (main) BNoteThe black strip shows on the top and thebottom of the screen for the correct aspectratio when in the PBP mode.• PIP / PBP Input: There are four differentvideo input to choose as the sub displaysource: [VGA],[DVI], [MHL-HDMI], and[DisplayPort].Please refer below table for compatibility ofmain/sub input source.SUB SOURCE POSSIBILITY (xl)Inputs VGA DP DVI MHL-HDMIMAINSOURCE(xl)VGA ● ● ●DP ● ● ●DVI ● ● ●MHL-HDMI ● ● ●• PIP Size: When PIP is activated, there arethree sub-window sizes to choose: [Small],[Middle], [Large].BA (main)SmallMiddleLarge• PIP Position: When PIP is activated, thereare four sub-window positions to choose.Top-Left Top-RightBA (main)BA (main)Bottom-Left Bottom-RightBA (main) A (main)B• Swap: The main picture source and the subpicture source swapped on the display.Swap A and B source in [PIP] mode:BA (main) ↔AB (main)Swap A and B source in [PBP] mode:A (main) B ↔ B (main) A