288. Troubleshooting & FAQs1. Color Temperature; With settingsin the 6500K range the panelappears "warm, with a red-white color tone", while a 9300Ktemperature yields "cool, blue-white toning".2. sRGB; this is a standard settingfor ensuring correct exchange ofcolors between different device(e.g. digital cameras, monitors,printers, scanners, etc)3. User Define; the user can choosehis/her preference color settingby adjusting red, green blue color.NoteA measurement of the color of lightradiated by an object while it is beingheated. This measurement is expressedin terms of absolute scale, (degreesKelvin). Lower Kevin temperatures suchas 2004K are red; higher temperaturessuch as 9300K are blue. Neutraltemperature is white, at 6504K.Q9: Can I connect my LCD monitor toany PC, workstation or Mac?Ans.: Yes. All Philips LCD monitors arefully compatible with standardPCs, Macs and workstations.You may need a cable adapterto connect the monitor to yourMac system. Please contact yourPhilips sales representative formore information.Q10: Are Philips LCD monitors Plug-and- Play?Ans.: Yes, the monitors are Plug-and-Play compatible with Windows10/8.1/8/7, Mac OSX.Q11: What is Image Sticking, or ImageBurn-in, or After Image, or GhostImage in LCD panels?Ans.: Uninterrupted display of still orstatic images over an extendedperiod may cause "burn in",also known as "after-imaging" or"ghost imaging", on your screen."Burn-in", "after-imaging", or"ghost imaging" is a well-knownphenomenon in LCD paneltechnology. In most cases, the"burned in" or "atter-imaging"or "ghost imaging" will disappeargradually over a period oftime after the power has beenswitched off.Always activate a moving screensaver program when you leaveyour monitor unattended.Always activate a periodic screenrefresh application if your LCDmonitor will display unchangingstatic content.WarningSevere"burn-in" or "after-image"or "ghost image" symptoms will notdisappear and cannot be repaired.The damage mentioned above is notcovered under your warranty.Q12: Why is my Display not showingsharp text, and is displaying jaggedcharacters?Ans.: Your LCD monitor worksbest at its native resolutionof 1920x1080@60Hz. Forbest display, please use thisresolution.Q13: How to unlock/lock my hot key?Ans.: Please press for 10seconds to unlock/lock the hotkey, by doing so, your monitorpops out “Attention” to showthe unlock/lock status as shownbelow illustrators.