This LCD/LED product has a high number of colourpixels. Although it has effective pixels of 99.999% ormore, black dots or bright points of light (red, green orblue) may appear constantly on the screen. This is astructural property of the display (within commonindustry standards) and is not a malfunction.CE complianceHereby, TP Vision Europe B.V. declares that thistelevision is in compliance with the essentialrequirements and other relevant provisions ofDirectives 2014/53/EU (RED), 2009/125/EC (EcoDesign) and 2011/65/EC (RoHS).Compliance with EMFTP Vision manufactures and sells many productstargeted at consumers which, like any electronicapparatus, in general have the ability to emit andreceive electromagnetic signals. One of TP Vision’sleading business principles is to take all necessaryhealth and safety measures for our products, tocomply with all applicable legal requirements and tostay well within the Electro Magnetic Field (EMF)standards applicable at the time of producing theproducts.TP Vision is committed to developing, producing andmarketing products that cause no adverse healtheffects. TP Vision confirms that, as long as its productsare handled properly for their intended use, they aresafe to use according to scientific evidence availabletoday. TP Vision plays an active role in thedevelopment of international EMF and safetystandards, enabling TP Vision to anticipate furtherdevelopments in standardisation for early integrationin its products.58