Note: While Standby bit is set, the SICP engine accepts only STANDBY command inmiscellaneous group is accepted.3.2.3 General sequence: frame formatA message can be sent to the monitor to execute a command or to ask for anyinformation; each message is enclosed in a frame, which consists of the following: ... where: = <$>, i.e. ASCII characters [1Bh] and [24h]. = 3 ASCII characters each of which ranging from [30h] to [39h], which areused as monitor address. = An ASCII character that identifies the command type selected amongthe list below: [47h] = Geometry Group [4Dh] = Miscellaneous Group [50h] = Picture Group [41h] = Audio Group [44h] = Debug Group(Reserved) = Two ASCII characters (ranging from [30h] to [39h], i.e. digits <0> to<9>, and from [41h] to [5Ah]), i.e. letters to ), defining thecommand. ... = Two ASCII characters (ranging from [30h] to [39h], i.e. digits <0> to<9>, and from [41h] to [46h]), i.e. letters to ), representing thehex value of the data, or one ASCII characters when data are textstrings.Write commands may become a request for the current value whenonly = > (i.e. [3Fh]) is sent. = <;>, i.e. the ASCII character [3Bh].3.2.4 Acknowledge to general sequence: frame formatOnce the monitor has received a general command sequence, it returns a message thatis one of the following when no data are expected as part of the answerback:In case data are expected, then the message becomes:2838 100 05424[ NAME ]Philips0914023 PreviousNext |