For Widescreen ContentMany popular DVD titles are ‘Anamorphic’(widescreen); however, there are twopredominant ‘Anamorphic’ (widescreen) aspectratios: 2.35:1 and 1.85:1.When 2.35:1 content isdisplayed on this 16:9 widescreen display, youwill notice smaller black bars on top or bottomof the screen.When a 1.85:1 content isdisplayed, you will still see black bars, but not aslarge as 2.35:1.If you do not want to see the black bars whenplaying back a widescreen movie, you can set toZOOM 2 or ZOOM 3 to fully stretch the image.ZOOM: 1Zoom1 shifts the image up to facilitate thedisplay of sub- titles.ZOOM: 2Zoom 2 is set to stretch 1.85:1 content to fullscreen eliminating the black bars.ZOOM: 3Zoom 3 is set to stretch 2.35:1 content to fullscreen eliminating the black bars.Notes:1. 4:3 and Panorama modes are not availablewhen zoom mode is engaged.2. When using Component 1 and Component2 inputs to display 480p, 1080i or 720p,Panorama mode is not available.3. When using RGB or DVI inputs, only 4:3,16:9 and an additional 4:3 Zoom modes areavailable. In this 4:3 Zoom mode, the original4:3 image is preserved but is stretched to fullscreen in both horizontal and verticaldirections, so the top and bottom of theimage will be invisible.4. Do not stay in 4:3 mode for an extendedperiod, as this may cause a permanent after-image to remain on your screen.33User Manual BDH5011