45User Manual BDH501111.4 For RGB / DVIAccessing Picture Adjustment ModeVarious picture adjustments can be set using thePicture Adjustment OSD menu.To access theOSD menu:1. Press the MENU +/- keys on the remote orthe front control panel.2. The first menu displayed is the PICTUREmenu. Make sure that the PICTURE OSDMenu is displayed.3. Use the MENU +/- keys to move up anddown to choose the option you wish toadjust. An explanation of each adjustment islisted below.4. Use the ADJ +/- keys to change the setting.Notes:• These controls are available when inputselection is set to: RGB or DVI inputs.• To restore picture settings to the factorydefaults, simply press the RECALL key fromthe remote control.CONTRASTAdjust Contrast to increase the level of ifwhitel,in the video picture.Increasing contrast will make white areas of thevideo picture brighter.Contrast works in conjunction withBRIGHTNESS.BRIGHTNESSAdjust brightness to enhance the level of darkareas in the video picture such as night scenesand shadow scenes. Increasing brightness willmake dark areas more visible.COLOR TEMPERATURESelect the color temperature for white balance.There are several settings to choose from:(1) 6500D - sets the white balance to 6500D;(2) LOW - sets to 5400K; (3) MID - sets to9300K; (4) HIGH - sets to 13800K.CLOCK PHASEUse clock phase to fine-tune the display toperfectly synchronize the video’s signal source..SCREEN WIDTHUse to change various screen width modes.There are two selectionsavailable: 16:9 and 4:3. Please see page 19 formore information.