12 ENNote• Do not touch the pleated filtersurface, or smell the filter as it hascollected pollutants from the air.• Wash your hands after disposing ofthe used filters.2 Remove all packaging material ofthe new NanoProtect filter (fig. e).3 Place the new NanoProtect filterinto the appliance (fig. f).4 Touch and hold the reset buttonfor 3 seconds to reset theNanoProtect filter lifetime counter(fig. ƒ).Replacing theNanoCloud rotaryhumidification wickFilter alert lightstatus Follow thisFilter replacementlight startsflashing (fig. †)Replace theNanoCloudrotaryhumidificationwick1 Take the wick wheel off the wicksupport (fig. ~).2 Unfasten the locks on the edge ofthe wheel (fig. ˆ).3 Grip the snap-fit componentson the other side of the plate torelease the wick from the wheel(fig. ‰).4 Take the used NanoCloud rotaryhumidification wick out (fig. Š).6 Replace thefilter and wickUnderstanding thehealthy air protect lockThis appliance is equipped with thehealthy air protect lock to make surethat the Nano protect filter and thehumidification wick are in optimalcondition when the appliance isoperating. When the Nano protect filterand the humidification wick are almostexpired, the replacement light startsto flash to indicate that they need to bereplaced.If you do not replace the filter andwick in time, the appliance will stopoperating and get locked.Replacing theNanoProtect filterNote• The NanoProtect filter is notwashable nor vacuum cleanable.Filter alert lightstatus Follow thisFilter replacementlight startsflashing (fig. †)Replace theNanoProtectfilter1 Remove the used NanoProtect filterfrom the appliance (fig. ‡).