Englishcorrectly placed under the coffee dispensing holes. (Fig.14) - Turn the selection knob (17) to the " "position. :KHQWKHGHVLUHGTXDQWLW\RIFRIIHHKDVEHHQREWDLQHGturn the selection knob (17) to the " " position in orderto stop coffee brewing. Wait a few second after brewinghas stopped, then remove the cups of coffee (Fig. 15). (Fig.16) 5HPRYHWKHSUHVVXUL]HGSRUWD¿OWHUDQGHPSW\the remaining coffee residues.1RWH,IDVPDOOTXDQWLW\RIZDWHUUHPDLQVLQWKHSRUWDÀOWHUWKLVLVDEVROXWHO\QRUPDODQGLVGXHWRWKHSRUWDÀOWHUIHDWXUHV,PSRUWDQW QRWH 7KH ÀOWHU VKRXOG EH NHSWclean to guarantee perfect results. Clean dailyafter use. 8VLQJ&RIIHH3RGV (Fig.10) 8VH D FRIIHH VSRRQ WR UHPRYH WKH ¿OWHU IRUJURXQGFRIIHH IURPWKHSUHVVXUL]HGSRUWD¿OWHU (Fig.7A) - Insert the coffee pod adapter (13) - with theFRQYH[SDUWIDFLQJGRZQLQWRWKHSUHVVXUL]HGSRUWD¿OWHU(10). (Fig.7B) - Then, insert the pod filter (14) into theSUHVVXUL]HGSRUWD¿OWHU (Fig.11),QVHUWWKHSUHVVXUL]HGSRUWD¿OWHULQWRWKHEUHZunit (6) from the bottom. (Fig.12) 7XUQ WKH SRUWD¿OWHU IURP OHIW WR ULJKW XQWLO LWlocks into place. Release the grip from the pressurizedSRUWD¿OWHU 7KH KDQGOH LV DXWRPDWLFDOO\ VOLJKWO\ WXUQHGleftwards. 7KLVPRYHPHQWJXDUDQWHHVSRUWD¿OWHUSHUIRUPDQFH (Fig. 14)3UHKHDWWKHSUHVVXUL]HGSRUWD¿OWHUE\VZLWFKLQJthe selection knob (17) to the " " position until someZDWHUVSLOOVRXWRILW7KLVLVWREHGRQHRQO\IRUWKH¿UVWcoffee brewing. :KHQFFRIZDWHUKDYHÀRZHGRXWVZLWFKWKHVHOHFWLRQknob (17) to the " " position in order to stop hot waterdispensing. (Fig.16) 5HPRYH WKH SUHVVXUL]HG SRUWD¿OWHU IURP WKHmachine by turning it from right to left. Be careful not toUHPRYHWKH¿OWHU (Fig.9B),QVHUWWKHSRGLQWRWKHSRUWD¿OWHUDQGPDNHVXUHWKHSDSHURIWKHSRGGRHVQRWRYHUKDQJWKHSRUWD¿OWHU (Fig.11),QVHUWWKHSRUWD¿OWHULQWRWKHEUHZXQLWIURPWKHbottom (6). (Fig.12)7XUQWKHSRUWD¿OWHUIURPOHIWWRULJKWXQWLOLWORFNVin place. 7DNH1 preheated cup DQGSODFHLWXQGHUWKHSRUWD¿OWHUmake sure that it is correctly placed under the coffeedispensing holes. (Fig.14) - Turn the selection knob (17) to the " "position. :KHQWKHGHVLUHGTXDQWLW\RIFRIIHHKDVEHHQREWDLQHGturn the selection knob (17) to the " " position in orderto stop coffee brewing, then remove the coffee cup. (Fig.16) - Wait a few seconds after brewing, then removeWKHSRUWD¿OWHUDQGGLVSRVHRIWKHXVHGSRG,PSRUWDQWQRWH7KHÀOWHU DQGWKHDGDSWHU(13) should be kept clean to guarantee perfectresults. Clean daily after use. 7,36)25&+226,1*&2))((As a general rule any type of coffee available on themarket can be used. However, coffee is a natural productDQGLWVÀDYRXUFKDQJHVDFFRUGLQJWRLWVRULJLQDQGEOHQGit is therefore a good idea to try different types of coffeeLQRUGHUWR¿QGWKHPRVWVXLWHGWR\RXUSHUVRQDOWDVWHFor optimal results, however, we recommend usingespresso machine blends. As a rule, Coffee shouldDOZD\VFRPHRXWRIWKHSRUWD¿OWHUZLWKRXWDQ\GULSSLQJ7KHVSHHGRIFRIIHHGLVSHQVLQJFDQEHPRGL¿HGE\VOLJKWO\FKDQJLQJWKHDPRXQWRIFRIIHHLQWKH¿OWHUDQGRUby using a different coffee grind.Saeco recommends using single-dose coffee podsmarked ESE for a tasty coffee and easier cleaning andpreparing.%()25( 86,1* 7+( +27 :$7(567($0-(7 0$.( 685( 7+$7 7+( 67($0 632873$11$5(//2 ,6 326,7,21(' 29(5 7+( '5,375$< +27:$7(5'DQJHURIVFDOGLQJ:KHQEUHZLQJVWDUWVVSXUWVRIKRWZDWHUPD\FRPHRXW7KHVSRXWFDQUHDFKKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHVGRQRWWRXFKLWZLWKEDUHKDQGV (Fig.3) - Press the ON/OFF button (2). :DLW XQWLO WKHPDFKLQH UHDG\ OLJKW WXUQV RQ7KHmachine is now ready. (Fig.18) - Place a container or a teacup under the steamspout (Pannarello). (Fig.5) - Open the knob (4). (Fig.6) - Switch the selection knob to the " " position(17). :KHQ WKH GHVLUHG TXDQWLW\ RI KRW ZDWHU KDV EHHQdispensed, set the selection knob (17) to the " "position. (Fig.5) - Close the knob (4). 5HPRYHWKHFRQWDLQHUZLWKKRWZDWHU