Fault Possible cause 6ROXWLRQThe machine does not turn on. Machine not connected to the powersupply. Connect the machine to the power supply.The pump is very noisy. No water in the tank. 5H¿OOZLWKZDWHU VHFWLRQ The coffee is too cold.The “machine ready” light (15) was offwhile switching the selection knob (17)to the " " position.Wait until the “machine ready” light (15)turns on.7KHSRUWD¿OWHULVQRWLQVHUWHGIRUpreheating (section 5). 3UHKHDWWKHSRUWD¿OWHUCold cups. Preheat the cups with hot water.Milk does not froth.It is not possible to prepare acappuccino.Not suitable milk: powdered milk,low-fat milk. Use whole milk.Dirty Pannarello. Clean the Pannarello as described insection 9.No steam in the boiler. Prime the circuit (section 4.5) and repeatthe operations described in section 8.The coffee is dispensed toofast, no foam builds up.7RROLWWOHFRIIHHLQWKHSRUWD¿OWHU Add coffee (section 5).Coffee ground is too coarse. Use a different blend (section 6).Coffee is old or not suitable. Use a different blend (section 6).Old or not suitable pod. Change the pod.One component missing in theSRUWD¿OWHUMake sure that all components are presentand that they have been installed properly.Coffee is not dispensed ordispensed only in drips.No water. 5H¿OOZLWKZDWHU VHFWLRQ 7KHJULQGLVWRR¿QH Use a different blend (section 6).&RIIHHSUHVVHGLQWKHSRUWD¿OWHU Shake the ground coffee.7RRPXFKFRIIHHLQWKHSRUWD¿OWHU Reduce the quantity of coffee in theSRUWD¿OWHUKnob (4) is open. Close the knob (4).Traces of limestone. Descale the machine (section 10).7KH¿OWHULQWKHSRUWD¿OWHULVFORJJHG &OHDQWKH¿OWHU 6HFWLRQ Not suitable pod. Change type of pod.Coffee drips from the edges.7KHSRUWD¿OWHULVLQFRUUHFWO\LQVHUWHGinto the brew unit. ,QVHUWWKHSRUWD¿OWHUFRUUHFWO\ 6HFWLRQ 7KHXSSHUHGJHRIWKHSRUWD¿OWHULVdirty. &OHDQWKHULPRIWKHSRUWD¿OWHUPod wrongly inserted. Insert the pod correctly. Make sure it doesQRWFRPHRXWRIWKHSRUWD¿OWHU7RRPXFKFRIIHHLQWKHSRUWD¿OWHU Reduce the quantity of coffee using themeasuring scoop.3OHDVHFRQWDFWDQDXWKRUL]HGVHUYLFHFHQWUHIRUDQ\IDXOWVQRWFRYHUHGLQWKHDERYHWDEOHRUZKHQWKHVXJJHVWHGsolutions do not solve the problem.