27問題 可能原因 方法產品發出汲水聲音/握把震動。水正被送往蒸氣噴頭轉換成蒸氣。此為正常現象。水箱內的水位過低或用光了。拔除產品插頭,並添加水箱內的水。蒸氣噴頭及/或握把潮溼。注水口門未完全插入。拆下水箱,確保注水口門已完全插入。水箱過滿,溢出來的水流到周遭。擦掉多餘的水。設備名稱:飛利浦手持式蒸汽掛燙機 型號(型式):STH3020Equipment name: Type designation (Type):單元Unit限用物質及其化學符號鉛Lead(Pb)汞Mercury(Hg)鎘Cadmium(Cd)六價鉻Hexavalentchromium(Cr +6)多溴聯苯Polybrominatedbiphenyls(PBB)多溴二苯醚Polybrominateddiphenyl ethers(PBDE)電源線組 O O O O O O上蓋 O O O O O O水箱 O O O O O O加熱元件 O O O O O O備考1. “超出0.1 wt %” 及 “超出 0.01 wt %” 係指限用物質之百分比含量超出百分比含量基準值。Note 1:“Exceeding 0.1 wt %” and “exceeding 0.01 wt %” indicate that the percentagecontent of the restricted substance exceeds the reference percentage value of presencecondition.備考2. “○” 係指該項限用物質之百分比含量未超出百分比含量基準值。Note 2:“○” indicates that the percentage content of the restricted substance does not exceedthe percentage of reference value of presence.備考3. “-” 係指該項限用物質為排除項目。Note 3:The “-” indicates that the restricted substance corresponds to the exemption.