The white LED �ashes.The earpieces will search the lastconnected Bluetooth device andreconnect to it automatically. Ifthe last connected one is notavailable, the earpieces will searchand reconnect to the second lastconnected device.4 Use yourearpiecesConnect the earpieces toyour Bluetooth device12 If you turn on the Bluetooth function of yourBluetooth device after turning on the earpieces,you have to go to the Bluetooth menu of thedevice and connect the earpieces to the devicemanually.Tip In some Bluetooth devices, connection may notbe automatic. In this case, you have to go to theBluetooth menu of your device and connect theearpieces to the Bluetooth device manually.Note You will hear a tone that indicates when thevolume has reached maximum level.Note9 ENTurn on the Bluetooth function ofyour Bluetooth device.Open the charging box cover.TaskTurn theearpieces onOpen thecharging boxto power onClose thecharging boxto power offTurn theearpieces offPower on/offMFT OperationManage your calls andmusicMusic controlPlay or pausemusicNext track RightearpieceLeftearpieceTriple tapPrevious track Triple tapAdjustvolume +Tap oncethen longtouchRightearpieceDouble tapTask MFT OperationRightearpieceAdjustvolume -Tap oncethen longtouchLeftearpieceDynamic basson/offTap andholdLeftearpiece