ABOUT THE CHANNEL BANNERThe channel banner appears whenever you tune to a channel or pressINFO on the remote control. When the banner is displayed, pressingINFO gives extended information, when available. Use the arrowbuttons and OK to choose an icon in the channel banner.Channel banner icons represent frequently-used features. Some iconschange appearance to show the item's status or availability.Please note that when you're in TV mode, |the channel banner will not look the sameJas when you're in DIRECTV mode (if yousubscribe to DIRECTV ® programming).Program title, start and end time,rating, current audio language,and audio mode availabilityIChannel logo, when Iavailable IIndicates incoming signalaspect ratio and screenformat applied to itMainpicturechannelnumberTakes you to the Main menuToggles between TV mode andDIRECTV modeCurrent antenna (TV mode only)Current date and time"Family" is one of five selectable profilesSearches titles of all DIRECTV ® pro-gramming guides for specific informationSorts titles of the current DIRECTVprogramming guide for specific informationDisplays mail from program providersCycles through the audio language choicesLocks and unlocks the system or unlocksthe video24