LOCKING AND UNLOCKING A USERPROFILEWhen you lock a profile, you prevent anyone who does not knowthe user password from accessing the locked profile. This appliesonly when they press WHO on the remote control. It does notprevent them from accessing and editing the profile via the mainmenu if they first enter the system password.When you lock a profile (excluding "Family"), you lock its channellimits, rating limits, and spending limits. After locking the profile,you need to enter the system password to edit these settings.1. Choose the profile you want to lock or unlock from the Profilesmenu, highlight Lock Useror Unlock User, and press OK.Don't Forget Your PasswordIf you forget a USER password and the systemis locked, you need to unlock the system andthen assign a new user password. If thesystem is not locked, select Profiles from themain menu, choose Unlock User, and enter anew password.Locking the user profile protects the limits you setup.2. When locking a user, use the arrows or the digits on the remotecontrol to enter a four-digit user password.Some other things to remember about locking and unlockingprofiles are:• For a lock to be effective, you must exit out of the menu system.• When you attempt to access a profile's channel that is blockedby one or more limits and the system is locked, you will be askedto unlock the video by entering the SYSTEM password.If you enter the system password to override a limit, the lock onthe channel banner will turn yellow, and all limits aretemporarily unlocked until you turn off the television. Whenyou turn on the television again, the system will be locked, andthe Family profile channel list will be active. If you want to re-lock without turning off the television, you can select the lockicon in the channel banner.If a profile is locked and you want to access its channels, pressWHO on the remote control and then enter the user password.If a profile is locked and you want to access its settings, you canaccess it through the menu system by choosing Profiles, thenchoosing the profile name. Then enter the system password.61