STEP 3: CONNECTING THE IRCONTROLLERThe IR (Infrared) Controller enables GUIDE Plus+ Gold" to control yourVCR and cable box (if necessary) so that you can tune to televisionchannels and even start recording a program from the program guide.After you have affixed the ends of the controller to the necessary devices(VCR, or Cable box), you will use the on-screen interactive setup routinefor GUIDE Plus+ to test the connected devices.The IR Controller is used to send commandsto your VCR and/or cable box.A'I-rACH I NG TH E I R CONTROLLE RSSome components label the infrared remote sensor, and others do not. Ifyour component is labeled, affix the IR controller directly over thesensor. For components that do not label the remote sensor, you need touse to use the component's remote control to locate the sensor.1,.Hold the component's remote control (not the remote that camewith your TV) so that it is touching the front of the component.Slowly move the remote over the front of the component whilepressing the remote power button on and off. (Be sure to press andrelease the power button each time you move the remote. Holdingthe button may not work.)3. When the component turns off or on, you've located the sensor.4. Affix the controller's node directly to the remote sensor.L% + ;IConnected to the TVTipYou may want to use a piece of clearplastic tape to temporarily affix thecontroller's node until you have completedthe interactive setup. That way you easilymove it if you have not placed it exactlyover the sensor."GUIDEPlus+isa trademark of Index SystemsInc. The GUIDEPlus+Gold systemismanufactured under licensefrom Index SystemsInc,9