Using the Remote22Remote Buttons(0-9) Number Buttons Enters channel numbers and time settingsdirectly though the remote control. To enter a two-digit channel, pressthe two digits. To enter a three-digit channel, press and hold the firstdigit until #-- appears, then add the second two. Example: to tune tochannel 123, press and hold 1 until 1-- appears then press 2 and 3.Arrow buttons (up, down, left, right) Used to point to differentitems in the menu system. Also used to adjust the menu controls. Alsomoves the PIP window when no menus are on the screen.ANTENNA Functions as TV/VCR button in VCR mode and TV/receiverbutton in SAT•CABLE mode.AUX Puts the remote in AUX mode. Also turns on the TV, if auto tune isenabled.CH (up and down) buttons Scans up or down through the currentchannel list. Press once to change the channel up or down; press andhold to continue changing channels.CH CTRL Selects the picture window, (that is, the main or PIP window)to be changed by the CH ^ (channel up) or CH v (channel down) buttons.CLEAR Removes any menu or display from the screen and returns youto TV viewing.DVD Puts the remote in DVD mode to operate RCA, GE, and ProscanDVD players. It cannot be programmed. If autotuning is enabled, it willturn on the TV and tune to the correct channel.FORWARD If you’re operating a VCR or DVD Player with the remotecontrol, press FORWARD to advance a disc or videotape.GO BACK Returns you to the previous channel.GUIDE Brings up GUIDE Plus+ system; press again to exit.INFO Press to get more information about a program, channel, oradvertisement.L.E.D. The little light below the ON•OFF button that lights when youare programming the remote. It also lights when you press an invalidbutton on the remote.MENU Brings up the Main menu and selects highlighted items. When inVCR mode, it functions as a PROGRAM button.MUTE Reduces the TV’s volume to its minimum level. Press again torestore the volume.OK When in the menu system, selects highlighted items or returns youto the previous menu.ON•OFF When in TV mode, turns TV on and off. If in another mode(VCR, DVD, Satellite, etc.) and programmed, will turn the component onand off. When pressed twice within two seconds all components that areon will be turned off (this feature only works with most RCA, GE andProscan products).STOP PAUSETVON OFFAUXDVD SAT•CABLEPIP SWAP RESETCH CTRLPLAY FORWARDREVERSESOUND GO BACKCH+CH-VOLVOLSKIPMUTEINFOMENUOKCLEARGUIDEANTENNAWHO•INPUTVCR1VCR2REC•VCR+L.E.D.