18Setup and ConnectionsComponentbuttons: TV andDVDHelpful Hints about the RemotePick the Right ModeDo you keep pressing the buttons on your remote control andnothing happens? The most common solution, according to our callcenter representatives, is putting the remote in the correct mode.The remote control packed with your player is able to operate theDVD player or the television, but you have to tell the remote whichcomponent you want it to operate. If the remote is operating the TV,it’s in TV mode and if it’s operating the DVD, it’s in DVD mode. Somake sure you press the appropriate component button on theremote that matches the component you want the remote to operate.Point the Remote in the Right DirectionAnother tip—point the remote at the component. When you want theremote to operate the DVD Player, point the remote at the DVDPlayer not the TV. The remote has to be pointed in the correctdirection and toward the correct component in order for the remotecontrol’s signal to communicate with the sensor on the component.You must make sure there is a clear path between the remote controland the component you want to operate so the signal isn’t blocked.