3Button Description For Video OperationINDICATOR LIGHTThe Indicator Light flashes to show that the remote is working.ON•OFFThe ON•OFF button operates the same as your original remoteNote: Some RCA, GE and ProScan models require you to press thedevice button to turn the device on and the ON•OFF button toturn the device off.TV, VCR, DVD, DBS•SAT, AUDIO, CABLEThe TV, VCR, DVD, DBS•SAT, AUDIO, and CABLE buttons areused to select the device you want to control.VOL & CHThe VOL (Volume) and CH (Channel) buttons increase or decreasethe channel numbers or volume.MUTEMutes volume on the TV.GO BACKThe GO BACK button allows you to go to the previous channelyou selected. Operates the same as Last Channel, PreviousChannel, or Recall button on your original remote.CODE SEARCHUsed to program the remote or to search through codes.GUIDEBrings up the on-screen TV program guide if your TV has that feature.INFOShows the date and the time if your TV or VCR has that feature.Functions the same as a Display button.NAVIGATION BUTTONS & SELECTUsed to move through on screen menuing and guides. With someDBS models the INFO button should be used to select the higlighted item. Use the navigation buttons to move the highlightedchoice up, down, left, or right.MENU•PROGBrings up the Main Menu. If you are already in the menu system,press SELECT to select a highlighted choice. Use the arrow buttonsto move through the Menu Selections.CLEARRemoves the on screen display to return to normal viewing.0-9The number buttons operate the same as on your original remote,and are used for entering device codes.ENTERThe ENTER button is used to complete channel selection for somebrands of TV. It is also used to complete the code entry process.TV•VCRIn VCR mode, the TV•VCR button operates the TV•VCR functionof your VCR.REVERSE, PLAY, FORWARD, RECORD, STOP, PAUSEThese buttons operate the same as on your original VCR or DVDremote. You must press the REC button twice to begin recording.PIP, SWAP, & INPUTPIP (Picture-in-Picture) and SWAP operate your Television’s Picturein-Picture features. INPUT selects the video inputs of your TV ifequipped with this feature.SLEEPThe SLEEP button allows you to set a time for you to turn off yourTV automatically.4Button Description For Audio OperationAUDIO OPERATION (Rose Colored Graphics)Press AUDIO button to enable the AUDIO modeLEVEL+/LEVEL-Sets the level of the speakersduring test tone mode.DSP ON•OFFEnables the receiver’s DigitalSignal Processing mode.DSP MODEWhen the DSP mode isenabled, pressing this buttonallows the user to cyclethrough the various DSPmodes.CD, TAPE, TUNER, TV,VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2For new RCA brands, thesebuttons will turn the selecteddevice on.AM•FMThe AM•FM button allowsyou to select the AM•FMband on you audio receiver.FUNCTIONSelects the different audioinput devices. The numberbuttons also select the func-tion labeled below the but-tons when in AUDIO mode.DELAY-, ON, DELAY+Increases or decreases thedelay between the surroundand main speakers when thereceiver is in the surroundsound mode.ON•OFF, SURR, MODEON•OFF SURR toggles thesurround modes on and off.SURR MODE cycles throughthe receiver’s varioussurround sound modesettings.FRONT, CENTER, REAR,TESTAdjust the levels of the front,center, and rear speakersrespectively used with Level+ / Level - . The test tonemust be enabled first bypressing the TEST button.PRESETUsed to operate presetchannels while in AudioMode.