TV SETUP16Press MENU button to display the main menu.Press ◄ / ►button to select TIME in the main menu,it will highlight the first option.TIME MENUSetupSleep TimerTime ZoneDaylight Saving TimeClockMove Select ExitMENUPictureOffPacificOff2013/01/01 12:00 AM126TimeSoundTime Format 12-hourAuto Clock OnSLEEP TIMERThis timer automatically turns off the TV at the designated time.TIME ZONEThis option adjusts the global time zone for the TV.DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMEThis option toggles the daylight saving time feature.TIME FORMATThis option adjusts the display format for the time.AUTO CLOCKThis option enables the TV to sync time with the antenna.(Put it on AUTO if you have an antenna attached to the TV.If you have CABLE or SATELLITE oranything else please use make sure AUTO CLOCK is turned off)CLOCKThis option adjusts the time and date of the TV.You need to disable AUTO CLOCK in order touse this function.Please Note:The TIME function will only keep accurate time if the TV is plugged into a power source.If the TV is unplugged or the power strip is turned off, the TV's time will not be accurate.