29Playing mp3,WMA and JPEG filesmp3 is an audio file format which compresses recorded music. It was developed by FraunhoferGesellschaft in collaboration with Thomson Inc.The main advantage of the mp3 format is theability to store CD-quality music tracks that are user-friendly and compressed on a personalcomputer.WMA (Windows Media Audio) is another audio file format, developed by Microsoft.JPEG files are image files. Make sure that they have a resolution of less than 5 megapixels.Note:The time taken for the contents of the disc to be displayed varies according to the size and number ofJPEG files actually on the disc. If nothing is displayed after a few minutes, it is likely that certain files are toolarge. In this case, reduce the files’ resolution to less than 5 megapixels and write another disc.Your player can play the following combinations:mp3 files onlyjpeg files onlyWMA files onlyJPEG and mp3 files at the same timeJPEG and WMA files at the same timeThis on-screen arrow indicates that thereare more files/folders listed above thecurrent list—press (the up arrowbutton) on the remote control to scrollthrough the list.Basic NavigationTo navigate through the discs contents, use the , ,and buttons on the remote control to highlightvarious files or folders.The arrows (triangles) on the screen indicate which wayyou can go to see more files/folders.Playing Discs