reedinstrumentswww com 11Pantone 534 BluePantone 123 YellowPantone 485 RedPantone 123 YellowPantone 534 BlueBlack Rich Black -20/20/20/100Blue - 100/80/30/5Yellow - 0/27/100/0Red - 10/100/100/5Yellow - 0/27/100/0Blue - 100/80/30/5Only if you REALLY need them:Pantone 534 Blue - 100/80/30/5Pantone 485 Red - 10/100/100/5Continuity TestSwitch the main function tothe “ ” range, verifythat the power line isdisconnected from thesystem. Connect the Redtest lead to the “+” terminaland the Black one to the“COM” terminal. Connectthe tips of the test lead tothe points where the value ofthe conduction conditionis needed. If the resistanceis under 100Ω, the beeperwill sound continuously.Diode TestSwitch the main function to the“ ” range, verify that thepower line is disconnected from thesystem. Connect the Red test lead to“+” terminal and the Black one to the“COM” terminal. Connect the tips ofthe Red test lead to the anode side andthe Black test lead to the cathode sideof the diode being tested. Read theforward Voltage (Vf) value on theLCD panel.If the polarity of test leads are reversedwith diode polarity, the digital read-ing will show “OL”. This can be usedfor distinguishing between anode andcathode terminals of a diode.Beeper© Short circuit © Open circuitcontinued ...www. .com information@itm.com1.800.561.8187