reedinstrumentswww com 5Pantone 534 BluePantone 123 YellowPantone 485 RedPantone 123 YellowPantone 534 BlueBlack Rich Black -20/20/20/100Blue - 100/80/30/5Yellow - 0/27/100/0Red - 10/100/100/5Yellow - 0/27/100/0Blue - 100/80/30/5Only if you REALLY need them:Pantone 534 Blue - 100/80/30/5Pantone 485 Red - 10/100/100/5Electrical SpecificationsThe accuracy specification is defined as ± (…% of reading+ …count) at23±5°C, =< 80%RHTRMS for ACV and ACA accuracy are specified from 5% to 100% of therange. For the accuracy add ±(1% of reading) on Crest Factor 1.4at full scale & CF<6 at half scale.ACARange Resolution Accuracy Overload Protection40A 0.01A 50 ~ 60Hz± (1.9% rdg +5 digits)60 ~ 500Hz±(2.5% rdg +5 digits )1200Arms400A 0.1A1000A 1ADCARange Resolution Accuracy Overload Protection40A 0.01A± (2.5% reading + 10 digits) 1200Arms400A 0.1A1000A 1AACV (Autorange)Range Resolution Accuracy Overload Protection400V 0.1V ± (1.5% reading + 5 digits)50 ~ 500Hz 1000Vrms750V 1VDCV (Autorange)Range Resolution Accuracy Overload Protection400V 0.1V ± (1% reading + 2 digits) 1000Vrms1000V 1VOhm (Resistance) (Autorange)Range Resolution Accuracy Overload Protection400Ω 0.1Ω ± (1% reading + 2 digits) 600Vrms4000Ω 1Ωcontinued ...www. .com information@itm.com1.800.561.8187