C O D E G U A R D O P E R A T I O NCode GuardTM, Tone or Digital, allows one radio or group of radios to beselectively called within a system. If the radio has been programmedwith Code Guard, use the following receive and transmit instructions.C O D E G U A R D R E C E I V ET URN POWER ON by turning the Volume knobclockwise past the OFF detent.S ELECT A CODE G UARD CHANNEL by turning theChannel Selector knob.ADJUST VOLUME by turning the Squelch knobclockwise until a rushing noise is heard, thenturning the Volume knob to a comfortable level.S ET CODE G UARD MODE by turning the Squelchknob completely counterclockwise, past the detentto the CG position. A message will be heard onlywhen the proper Code Guard value is received.C O D E G U A R D T R A N S M I TTURN THE S QUELCH KNOB clockwise, off the detent.MONITOR THE CODE G UARD CHANNEL beforetransmitting.P RESS THE PTT (Push-To-Talk) switch if thechannel is not busy (signal is not present). Whenthe transmitter is activated, the LCD goes blank.RESET THE S QUELCH KNOB to the Code Guardposition (CG) to receive only the messages withthe proper Code Guard value. During extendedtransmissions the squelch can be left open (offthe detent) until the exchange has ended.Code Guard is a trademark of BK Radio, Inc.8