2FEATURES© 1997, 1998 Tandy Corporation.All Rights Reserved.RadioShack is a registered trademark used by Tandy Corporation.Your RadioShack TRC-401 Emer-gency CB Radio is a 40-channel citi-zen’s band radio that is speciallydesigned for emergency situations. Itcontains a CB, an antenna, and apower cord — all in a handy, impact-resistant carrying case that lets youstore all of the equipment safely outof the way and easily move it fromone vehicle to another.Its features include:Automatic Emergency Channel 9Selection — immediately switchesto Channel 9 (the universal emergen-cy channel) each time the CB isturned on.Important: REACT is a nationwide24-hour network that monitors Chan-nel 9. Switch to Channel 9 in anemergency, and report the problem.(REACT might not be available in allareas.)Channel 19 Switch — immediatelyswitches the CB to Channel 19, usedby most travelers.PLL (Phase-Locked Loop) Fre-quency Synthesizer — provides re-liable and exact tuning.Auto Squelch — eliminates theneed to set the squelch level.Digital Channel-Number Display— makes it easy to see which chan-nel is selected.Built-In Ceramic Filters — providesuperior selectivity and prevent adja-cent-channel interference.Built-In Modulation Control — pre-vents the transmitter signal fromover-modulating and distorting.Built-In Automatic Noise Limiter(ANL) — reduces noise caused bynearby electrical equipment, such asmotors or automotive ignition sys-tems.Impact-Resistant Storage Case —stores everything you need to powerthe CB from your vehicle.Note: The TRC-401 comes with atelescoping antenna on a magnet-mount base that you can attach di-rectly to the CB for use when your ve-hicle is not moving. If you plan to usethe CB when your vehicle is moving,we recommend that you purchase astandard mount antenna.We recommend you record the TRC-401’s serial number here. The num-ber is on the CB’s back panel.Serial Number:_________________21-1588.fm Page 2 Thursday, August 5, 1999 10:05 AM