ToxiRAE Pro User’s Guide2212.4.1. Navigating Programming MenusNavigating through the Programming menus is easy and consistent, using a singleinterface format of a “forward arrow” and “Select,” controlled by the [MODE] key and[Y/+] key, respectively.In the submenus, the functions of a “down arrow” and “Select” are controlled by the[MODE] key and [Y/+] key, respectively.Also in submenus, the functions of the keys may correspond to the instruction directlyabove each key. Therefore, if it says “OK” above the [MODE] key, pressing [MODE]selects “OK.” When setting numerical data, the [MODE] key typically selects which digitis highlighted, while each press of [Y/+] increases the digit by 1.12.5. Programming MenusProgramming allows anyone with the password to change the instrument’s settings, calibratethe instrument, enter user information, etc. Programming has four menus. Each menuincludes several submenus to perform additional programming functions.This table shows the menus (and their icons) and submenus:Calibration Alarm Setting Datalog Monitor SetupZero Calibration High Alarm Clear Datalog WirelessSpan Calibration Low Alarm Interval Site IDSTEL Alarm* Data Selection User IDTWA Alarm* Datalog Type User ModeAlarm Mode DateBuzzer & Light TimeMan DownAlarmTemp. UnitLanguageZero At StartLCD Contrast* STEL and TWA are not included in the menus on a ToxiRAE Pro equipped with an O2sensor.Note: There is also an “Exit” icon. It has only one function. When you select it, theinstrument exits Programming Mode, updates the settings, and returns to monitoring.